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4 Questions to Ask Your Dentist During a Comprehensive Exam

05 Dec 4 Questions to Ask Your Dentist During a Comprehensive Exam

When visiting for your timely check-up, it is best to ask your dentist about your teeth and oral health. Now's the time to ask any questions you have about your teeth, seek advice about improving your oral health, and inquire about treatments that might be right for you. Today, we'll share four of the most common oral hygiene questions to ask during your comprehensive dental visit.


Question 1: Are There Signs of Gum Disease?

Periodontal or gum diseases are common in most adults over 30 in America. Hence, you must keep track of your oral infection status. Upon asking this, your dentist might ask the following questions:

  • Are your gums sore or bleeding?
  • Do you have random aches inside your mouth?
  • Does hot or cold food feel very uncomfortable?

Leaving oral diseases untreated can deteriorate your health, lead to tooth loss, and cause damage to your gum and teeth. So ask your dentist to check for possible gum diseases, and prescribe oral exams accordingly. 

Question 2: Are There Signs of Oral Cancer?

Early signs of cancer are often silent killers, especially if you are not doing regular check-ups. Various signs of oral cancer are similar to gum diseases. So ask your dentist to check out for possible symptoms of oral cancer. These signs might indicate a pre-cancerous or cancerous concern:

  • Gum aches
  • Loose tooth
  • A lump growing inside your mouth
  • Plaques

Thanks to advanced dental technology, your dentist might detect the growing signs and help you combat them effectively!

Question 3: What Foods Should I Avoid?

If you have oral problems and gum issues frequently, your dentist might advise you to stay away from certain types of foods and drinks, such as:

  • Wine
  • Tea
  • Coffee
  • Acidic fruits
  • Sugary drinks

These can stain and deteriorate your teeth. Your dentist will know best about what foods are impacting your oral health. 

Question 4: How to Improve My Dental Health?

Your dentist will know best about proper dental health practices. So you can ask for tips on keeping and improving your dental and oral health at home. After the exam, your dentist will suggest a few ways to maintain a healthy mouth. During this conversation, you can ask about:

  • Flossing 
  • Finding the right toothbrush
  • Best mouthwashes 

Ask Kwon & Jabbour Dental!

Contact our office with all of your oral hygiene and oral health questions. And when you come in for your visit, keep these common questions in mind as you prepare to learn more about preserving your teeth and gums.

Schedule an appointment today! You can also call (925) 930-8465 to learn more!